Telling Secrets

“I not only have my secrets, I am my secrets. And you are your secrets. Our secrets are human secrets, and our trusting each other enough to share them with each other has much to do with the secret of being human.”   

– Frederick Buechner           


Grief is a process of discovery, learning and deep yearnings that can be hard to express. In the groups I facilitate, attendees feel safe weeping, laughing and sharing secrets. I believe that part of why such strong connections form is because God created us to live in community. When you share the truth of your life with others — in a safe setting, with safe people — some kind of magic happens. In our brave and vulnerable moments, we demonstrate what it is to be truly human. In telling our stories as honestly as possible, we help others understand their own.  

Sometimes, we want to protect our wounds, but we risk the possibility that our lives might get smaller and contract around them. How might our lives become more expansive? How might we continue to grow even through seasons of loss? One way is by sharing our secrets with people we trust. By allowing ourselves to be more fully known, we open ourselves to the mysterious healing power of loving community. We do not walk alone.  

-Chaplain Jenny Schroedel  

Optage Hospice Chaplain Jenny Schroedel facilitates grief groups across PHS sites and in the larger community. Jenny is also an author, most recently of Naming The Child: Hope-filled Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death.

If you are interested in joining a group or establishing one at your community, contact Optage Hospice or call 651-746-8200. Optage is the home and community services division of Presbyterian Homes & Services.