What to Expect

Optage Home Care – Independently You

An interdisciplinary team specializing in geriatric care, focusing on treating older adults with new diagnosis or worsening of chronic conditions or recovering from illness, injury or surgery in the comfort of your own home. Our home care is designed for people who are homebound and need short-term medical care in their homes. We have person-centered care: a comprehensive care plan created just for you and your goals to help you be as independent as possible, improve your health and enhance your quality of life.

When a physician orders skilled home care related to a new medical need, a new diagnosis or worsening of chronic conditions, or recovering from illness, injury, or surgery, comprehensive home care is provided in your own home for a limited time. In coordination with your physician and other practitioners, we work towards functional improvements to support your independence.

We are here to help you regain your strength and balance, provide education and support to manage your illness, injury, wound or pain. Your doctor will prescribe home health services for skilled nursing or rehabilitation on an intermittent basis in your home, certifying you are homebound, which means leaving your home requires a considerable and taxing effort during this time.

Nursing Care

Nurses carry out skilled nursing tasks, prescribed treatments and intermittent supportive services. These may include case management, education and support of chronic conditions or new diagnoses, clinical assessments, pain management, medication management and wound treatment.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy restores movement and prevents further disability and includes balance training, home safety assessment, walking, fall prevention, instructions in the use of assistive devices such as cane, walker, and wheelchair, climbing stairs, managing uneven surfaces, transfers, pain control and exercises for balance, stretching and strengthening.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy maximizes endurance and the ability to safely carry out daily routine with dressing, grooming, bathing, eating, meal preparation, and the movement necessary during self-care for toileting or getting in and out of the tub or shower. Concentration on the use of adaptive equipment or adaptive therapies that compensate for physical limitations; strength, endurance, and upper extremity coordination needed to perform daily tasks, problem-solving, and safety in a home setting.

Speech/Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy specializes in treating communication and swallowing disorders with a focus on improving speech quality, written and adaptive communication, reading comprehension and safe swallowing strategies.

Home Health Aide Services

Personal care assistance may include daily living activities such as: bathing, dressing, grooming, walking, transfer assistance, incontinence care, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and weight monitoring as requested by your physician to support your medical needs on a weekly basis while you recuperate.

Medical Social Worker

Assists with identifying supportive resources to help you meet your goals, remain as independent as possible, assess your living situation, counseling, and assistance with emotional issues, grief, loss, financial and health care directives.

Medicare, Medicaid, HMO, private insurance and private pay cover the fees of Optage Home Care.

Do you have more questions about Optage Home Care?

Talk to us about your needs